Planning application reference: 19/AP/2087
Report: see pages 23 to 100 of the agenda pack and pages 1 to 2 of the addendum report.
Redevelopment of site comprising the demolition of existing retail warehouse building in (Use Class A1) and construction of two buildings at four and six storeys in height. The application scheme will provide a creative Digital Hub workspace (Use Class B1/D1) and student accommodation incorporating 393 student bedrooms (sui generis Use Class) and associated communal facilities and associated communal facilities. The scheme includes highway improvements, landscaping, blue badge car parking, and cycle parking spaces for students and visitors.
The sub-committee heard the officers’ introduction to the report and addendum report.
Officers highlighted a few changes –
Paragraph 131 of the report refers to a £0.57m surplus. That should read £0.57m deficit.
A correction should be made to the planning obligations table in the report at paragraph 288 that suggests that the second viability review would take place two years after first occupation. In fact the review would take place on completion to look at any surpluses that may have arisen through build cost economies.
Councillors asked questions of the officers.
There were no objectors present who wished to speak.
The applicant and their agents addressed the committee and answered questions posed by the committee.
A supporter who lives within 100 metres of the development site addressed the meeting. There were no questions from the committee to the supporter.
Councillor Barrie Hargrove addressed the committee in his capacity as ward councillor. There were no questions from the committee.
A motion to grant planning permission was moved, seconded put to the vote and declared carried.
1. That planning permission be granted subject to conditions and the applicant entering into to an appropriate legal agreement.
2. That in the event that the requirements of (1) are not met by 25 January 2021, the director of planning be authorised to refuse planning permission (if appropriate) for the reasons set out in paragraph 291 of the report.
Supporting documents: