Agenda item

Highway Licensing on Druid Street and Enid Street


The highways licensing and enforcement manager updated the sub-committee on proposed options for Druid Street.


Members had questions for the highway licensing and enforcement manager and there was a discussion relating to the proposed options.




1.  That all items of temporary street furniture in the carriageway shall be licenced once the implementation of road safety measures have been agreed by businesses and after consultation with residents and ward councillors has taken place


2.  That all street furniture, including barriers, shall be kept on private land on Enid Street, therefore outside areas shall not be allowed on the public highway on Enid Street.


3.  That licensing sub-committee shall give support to the installation of a footpath outside the railway arches on Druid Street between Abbey Street and Tanner Street subject to the council’s standard decision making processes. Mapping of the area shall be carried out to ensure that all stakeholder groups are consulted on this proposal.

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