Agenda item

Capital Strategy and Treasury Management Strategy 2020-21


(See pages 18 – 46 of the agenda)


Councillor Vicky Mills, cabinet member for finance, performance and Brexit, introduced the report and thanked the finance officers who had prepared the budget reports.


Following debate (Councillor Pollak spoke to the report) the recommendations contained within the report were put to the vote and declared to be carried.




That council assembly noted:


1.  That the council continues to invest in an ambitious long term capital programme that provides significant ongoing benefits throughout the borough and revenue streams to support council services.


2.  The HM Treasury decision on 9 October 2019 to increase the interest rate margin added to new borrowing from the Public Works Loan Board from 0.8% to 1.8%.


That council assembly approved:


3.  The Capital Strategy 2020-21 as Appendix A of the report


4.  The Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2020-21 as Appendix B of the report


5.  The Investment Management Strategy 2020-21 as Appendix C of the report


6.  The Minimum Revenue Provision Statement 2020-21 as Appendix D of the report


7.  The Prudential Indicators for 2020-23 as Appendix E of the report.

Supporting documents: