Agenda item

Fostering Service Annual Report 2018-19


The head of service permanence, children's and adults' services presented the annual report to the committee highlighting that some of the key challenges related to matching older children and young people into permanence.


Queries/summary of main issues raised:


·  Payment issue raised to foster carers and whether this had been reduced. The officer explained that overall there had be no decrease and would look at the wording used in the annual report to make this position clear

·  Issue of more challenging cases and increase of adolescents and the fact that this trend likely to continue

·  Issue raised by foster carer and difficulties raised by accommodation and the number of children that can be fostered. It was explained that regardless of tenure (in this case housing association) work can be done to liaise with the housing provider to look at what the council can do to help by providing an additional room by modifications via capital monies.




1.  That the corporate parenting committee notes the annual report of Southwark Fostering Service 2018-19.


2.  That officers look at the wording in the annual report to make clear that there is no decrease in foster payments.


Supporting documents: