Agenda item

Soap box /Public question time



Gill Portwine: Since the community Involvement & Communications Group was disbanded in July by the PCT, we have had no formal conduit for questions /information.  Infact despite requests, we have faced a brick wall on the PCT plans for the site.


It is essential that Dulwich Community Council request that the PCT reinstate formal consultation immediately as work and plans are afoot but no information is forthcoming.  As a result of this situation, we have restarted the ‘Keep Dulwich Hospital Campaign’ – the next meeting will be on November 19 at the Hospital in the Goldsmith’s room at 6pm.  We need the information before that date.



Action: The chair said he will invite representatives of the PCT to the next meeting for an update on future plans for the DCH site.



Maureen Cunningham: Re. Road Crossings in Lordship Lane SE22.  Intended crossing adjacent to Lordship Lane /East Dulwich Grove. The pedestrian crossing at Goose Green will be taken away due to crossing at Grove Vale School.


Cllr Barber agreed to follow this up in writing.  Cllr Barber explained local ward Cllrs fought hard to get crossing along Lordship Lane and any information concerning crossings (along Lordship Lane) being taken away is incorrect.



Maureen Cunningham:  The hostel above Somerfield now houses ex prisoners including sex offenders who should not live within a one mile radius of a School.  However there are Schools 500 yards away – Grove Vale, Heber Rd, Goodrich, Allens Girls and Boys Schools and St Thomas Moore Primary /Junior Schools. 


Cllr Mitchell agreed to take this up with the East Dulwich Police SNT panel.