Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of the site to provide a new basement level and buildings ranging from 3 to 48 storeys in height (max height 159.05m above ground level) comprising up to 1,113 residential units (Class C3), up to 5,659 sq. m of office floorspace (Class B1(a)), up to 2,228 sq. m of retail floorspace (Class A1), up to 2,336 sq. m of flexible space including use within Classes A1, A3, B1(a), B1(b), D1, D2 and / or Sui Generis (Theatre) within Block B and up to 596 sq. m of flexible space within Classes A1, A2 and / or A3 within Block C together with associated access, car parking, landscaping and infrastructure works.
The committee heard the officers’ introduction to the report. Members of the committee asked questions of the officers.
A number of objectors addressed the committee. Members of the committee asked questions of the objectors.
The applicant’s agents addressed the committee, and answered questions by the committee.
There were no supporters who lived within 100 metres of the development site present at the meeting that wished to speak.
Councillors Evelyn Akoto and Michael Situ addressed the meeting in their capacity as ward councillors, and answered questions by the committee.
The committee put further questions to the officers and discussed the application.
1. a) That planning permission be granted, subject to the conditions contained in the committee and addendum report (but with the amendments detailed below) and referral to the Mayor of London, referral to the Secretary of State and the applicant entering into an appropriate legal agreement by no later than 5 September 2019.
· The time limit for implementing the permission and approved plans remain at the standard 3 year time limit, not 5 years indicated in the addendum report.
· The inclusion of a late stage affordable housing review, to be secured by the legal agreement.
b) That the environmental information be taken into account as required by Regulation 30 of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessments) Regulations 2017.
c) That following issue of the decision it be confirmed that the Director of Planning shall place a statement on the Statutory Register pursuant to Regulation 30 of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessments) Regulations and that for the purposes of Regulation 30(1)(d) the main reasons and considerations on which the Local Planning Authority's decision is based shall be set out as in this report.
d) That in the event that the requirements of (a) are not met by 5 September 2019, the Director of Planning be authorised to refuse planning permission, if appropriate, for the reasons set out at paragraph 587 of this report.
Supporting documents: