Agenda item

20mph Zones and Speeding

Review Scoping.


7.1  The chair referred to the motivation for this review topic when first suggested at OSC:


  Review the effectiveness of traffic calming measures and 20mph zones in terms of reducing speeding, improving road safety and meeting accident reduction targets. Consider best practice from other areas in terms of measures to slow down traffic and to enforce speed limits.


  Work alongside the Executive Member for Environment and officers with regard to helping to make the implementation of the Road Safety Plan and plans to make Southwark a 20mph borough as effective as possible.


7.2  Barbara Selby, Head of Transport Planning, confirmed that the Road Safety Plan (RSP) had been approved by the Executive in May and is now council policy.  She added that the RSP was underpinned by an independent study that had been commissioned from MVA Consultancy, to research the effectiveness of the proposed traffic calming measures and to gauge the public response.


7.3  Members discussed what evidence to consider for this review and requested information such as the independent MVA report, best practice from other areas, and results from camera trials. It was also suggested that a consultant from MVA be invited to attend the next meeting, and that the Executive member for the Environment also be invited, in order to give feedback on his recent meeting with the Southwark Police Commissioner about traffic calming enforcement.


7.4  The chair requested information on the effectiveness of the changes to the Walworth Rd. The Public Realm Division manager, Qassim Kazaz, explained that following the completion of a new road calming scheme, accident data is usually collected over a three year period to ensure sufficient data. Members consequently opted to consider other ‘before and after’ statistics that would be included in the MVA report. The Head of Transport Planning recommended that a police policy officer be invited and offered to provide a suitable name.




1.  That the sub-committee consider at its subsequent November 11 meeting evidence and information regarding the establishment and outcomes of 20MPH zones, as follows:


-  a copy of the commissioned independent study from MVA Consultancy on the effectiveness of 20MPH zones, including the public response to this method of traffic calming;


-  a report on the progress of the implementation of the suggestion on this matter approved by Council Assembly for submission under the Sustainability Communities Act;


-  an update on speed camera trials and effective working with the police.


2.  That an appropriate employee from MVA Consultancy be invited to present the findings of the commissioned study, respond to related member questions, and provide information about the effectiveness of comparative traffic calming schemes elsewhere.


3.  That an officer expert be requested to attend and to provide information on the range of alternative measures to speed cameras and speed cushions/ humps that are available, as well as feedback from the related resident questionnaires. (Eamon Doran was suggested.)


4.  That the Executive member for Executive member for environment, Cllr Paul Kyriacou, also be invited to attend the November 11 meeting, in order to provide feedback from his recent meeting with the Southwark Police Commissioner on related matters.


5.  That a police officer be invited to attend and to explain why traffic police activity has declined significantly in recent years.


6.  That an enquiry be made to establish whether there is adequate provision in the scrutiny budget to cover the anticipated charges of the MVA expert witness.





The meeting finished at 10.40pm.

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