Agenda item

Fostering Care in England

The summary pages of the recently published review of Foster Care in England is attached. This session will discuss how Southwark’ Council might respond to the report, particularly around commissioning.


6.1  The chair welcomed the following officers to present on the report enclosed and early thoughts on how Southwark will respond:


  Daisy May James  - Supervising Social Worker and training lead

  Kelly Henry -  Access to Resources Manager

  Helen Woolgar -  Head of Service Permanence, Adoption


6.2  A member asked about ‘delegated authority’. Officers said that Southwark generally encourage this - young people do have anxiety that things like forms will get agreed quickly, however sometimes there are sensitivities with families that mean some decisions need to be discussed.


6.3  Training is being invested in.


6.4  The council are working to enhance children and young people’s ‘secure base’. It is often schools which are the key constant that needs to be protected.


6.5  Officers said that they are learning from strengths in adoption and translating that to fostering with a big focusing on matching and permanence .There was a discussion on translating this to older children. An example was given of a day where older children participated with foster carers and 70 % achieved a permanent match - which is very high. There has been a revamp of forms to get the right level of disclosure and also to emphasise the positives of children and young people.


6.6  Members spoke about joint commissioning and the importance of this. Officers were asked how social care links in with the wider local authority work. Officers said that there is an issue with potential foster carers wanting to be foster carers but they often do not have room. In this situation officer do encourage carers to get involved in other areas. There are arrangements for people in priority one housing bands to enable people to get bigger houses to meet the requirements of children in their care or to take on larger siblings groups. There was discussion about if this could be misused. Officers said this was only offered to families who are known, engaged and vetted. There have been projects to add extra adaptations and space for families with children with disabilities.


6.7  There was a discussion about fees for carers. There are a range of views on this. Officers said that the training and support is very important for retention.


6.8  Members asked about the ‘Pause’ initiative and officers explained that this is a programme of intensive support for women who have a cycle of removals. This has been very successful.


6.9  Officers were asked about support for foster carers managing stresses. This can be particularly so for police removals and other situations where the police are involved. Officers are investing in more support here.



Supporting documents: