Agenda item

Disclosure of interests and dispensations

Members to declare any interests and dispensations in respect of any item of business to be considered at this meeting.


3.1  There were the following disclosures of interests:


·  Councillor Lamb’s wife works for the NHS.

·  Councillor Williams is a governor for Guy's & St Thomas’ Foundation Trust.

·  Councillor Noakes sits on the Health and Well-being Board (HWB) so he will be conflicted if and when the committee discuses any work where the HWB has an executive role, for example approves a plan. Cllr Noakes recused himself for the Better Care Fund item, which the HWB formally agreed.  

·  The chair, Councillor Lury, said the KCH chief executive sits on the guiding board of the company she has recently joined. She reported she has been advised this is not a conflict, as a precaution will recuse herself for the KCH item and join the audience.