Agenda item

Licensing Act 2003: Review of statement of licensing policy 2016 - 2020

To receive a report on Licensing Act 2003: Review of statement of licensing policy 2016 – 2020.


The licensing team leader presented their report.  Members had questions for the licensing team manager.




1.  That the draft amendments of the Southwark statement of licensing Policy 2016-2020 provided at Appendix A to this report, for approval to undertake public consultation, be agreed.


2.  That the arrangements for public consultation on the draft revision of the policy document, as set out within this report, including the basis for the public consultation questionnaire be agreed.


3.  That it be agreed to consult on adding the following to the statement of licensing policy under opening hours:


  i.  That it should be noted that there are three areas which are strategic cultural areas that are situated outside a major town centre, two for part of the Borough and Bankside SCA and a third area in Rotherhithe, these are listed below:


·  Shad Thames area bounded by Tower Bridge Road, Tooley Street, St. Saviours Dock and the River.

·  Triangle area bounded by Bermondsey Street, Tower Bridge Road and the Railway.

·  St Mary’s Churchyard area Rotherhithe.


  ii.  It is recognised that these areas, although of mixed use, have a high residential usage and consideration for the later hours beyond those recommended for a residential area should be accompanied by evidence to show that the proposal is intended to enhance the provision of arts, culture and tourism in the area.

Supporting documents: