To receive a report on Licensing Act 2003: Statement of licensing policy proposal to re-evaluate the recommended closing times for licensed premises in Shad Thames.
The licensing team leader presented the report.
Ward councillor Hamish McCallum addressed the committee with the ward members’ proposal to re-evaluate the recommended closing times for licensed premises in Shad Thames.
Members had questions for the licensing team leader and the ward councillor.
A motion to agree the officer recommendation not to change the Southwark statement of licensing policy with regards to Shad Thames was moved, seconded, put to the vote and declared carried.
That the officer recommendation, that statistical analysis does not support a change to the Southwark statement of licensing policy with regards to Shad Thames and therefore it would not be necessary or proportionate to change the classification from a strategic cultural area to a local town centre with earlier closing times, be agreed.
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