Agenda item

Policy and resources strategy 2010-11 to 2012-13 - Scene Setting

To note the context of the business and budget planning round and instruct the finance director to report back to the executive meeting on December 15 2009 on the Local Government Settlement 2010/11. Additionally to note the continued uncertainty of local government financing arrangements for 2011/12 and beyond not least with regard to the economic climate looking forward and to agree initial changes to a refreshed medium term resources strategy.




1.  That the context of the business and budget planning round be noted.


2.  That the finance director be instructed to report back to the executive at its meeting on December 15 2009 on the Local Government Settlement 2010/11.


3.  That the continued uncertainty of local government financing arrangements for 2011/12 and beyond be noted not least with regard to the economic climate looking forward.


4.  That the initial changes to the refreshed medium term resources strategy (MTRS) be agreed.

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