Agenda item

Safer Southwark Partnership - Revised Rolling Plan

To note the achievements of the Safer Southwark Partnership crime and drugs strategy 2008-09, approve the revised three year rolling plan (2009-12) and to note the key findings of the full Strategic Assessment.




1.  That the achievements of the Safer Southwark Partnership (SSP) crime and drugs strategy 2008-09 be noted, in particular the positive progress that the Safer Southwark Partnership is making in reducing recorded crime. The Safer Southwark Partnership have achieved a 15% reduction in serious acquisitive crime, 14% reduction in knife crime, 26% reduction in gun crime, 9% reduction in serious youth crime and a 15% reduction in personal robbery has been achieved. The Safer Southwark Partnership have performed at or better than the London average, doing particularly well on residential burglary (-25% reduction compared to London wide reduction of -1%) and overall serious acquisitive crime (-14% compared to London reduction of -8%).  In comparison to our family group of crime and disorder partnerships, we have improved our position from 6th to 9th (out of 15) and to above the group average.  The full performance framework is set out in Appendix 1 of the rolling plan.


2.  That the the revised three year rolling plan 2009-12 (Appendix 1) covering the following priorities be approved:


·  Serious violent crime.

·  Preventing youth crime.

·  Anti social behaviour.

·  Drugs and alcohol.

·  Reducing re-offending.

·  Communities and communications.


3.  That the key findings from the Safer Southwark Partnership strategic assessment and areas identified for further investigation (paragraphs 30-39 of the report) be noted and officers report back to the executive member on the findings and recommendations.


4.  That it be noted that  the full strategic assessment and rolling plan will be published on the Safer Southwark Partnership and council’s website.



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