Agenda item










Walworth Community Council


Planning Meeting


Thursday July 30 2009 at 7.00PM

at Thurlow Lodge, Thurlow Steet, SE17 2US



Councillors:  Lorraine Lauder(Chair), Jane Salmon, Caroline Pidgeon and James Gurling

Officers:  Caroline Chalklin (CCDO), Gareth Phillips (Legal Officer), Becky Baker (Planning Officer)


The meeting opened at 7.0 0 pm.


1.   Introduction and welcome by the Chair

Councillor Lauder began the meeting by welcoming everyone.


2.   Apologies

Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Ladipo, Seaton, Mohamed and Bates


3.   Notification of any items the Chair deems urgent



4.  Disclosure of Members’ interests and dispensations

  Councillor Pidgeon declared a prejudicial interest in items 6 and 7i.


5.   Confirmation of minutes


  RESOLVED:  That the minutes of the Planning meeting held on February 5 2009    be approved as a true and accurate recording of that meeting.



Council Procedure Rule 1.17 (5) allows a Member to record her/his vote in respect of any Motions and amendments.  Such requests are detailed in the following Minutes.  Should a Member’s vote be recorded in respect to an amendment, a copy of the amendment may be found in the Minute File and is available for public inspection


The Committee considered the items set out on the agenda, a copy of which has been incorporated in the Minute File.  Each of the following paragraphs relates to the item bearing the same number on the agenda. In every case the planning officer introduced the item to Members






1.  That the determination of planning applications, or formal observations and comments, the instigation of enforcement action and the receipt of the reports on the agenda be considered


2.  That the decisions made on the planning applications be subject to the conditions and/or made for the reasons set out in the attached reports unless otherwise stated


That where reasons for the decision or condition are not included in the report relating to an individual item, that they be clearly specified.


* Councillor Pidgeon withdrew from the Community Council *




  Proposal (08-CO-0095)


  Relocation of 71 satellite dishes (of no more than 1m in diameter) and 6 television   antennas to be positioned behind parapet walls on Pullens Estate to the roof areas, and   installation of trunking and handrails to roof level.


  Procedure  The Planning Officer presented the item; Members asked questions of the   Planning Officer.


  The objector spoke for up to three minutes.  Members asked questions of the objector.


  Councillor Pidgeon spoke for up to three minutes as Ward Councillor.  Members asked   questions of Councillor Pidgeon.


In response to the Chair, the Legal Officer outlined the options for Members: to grant, refuse or defer deciding the planning application to a future meeting.


  Members then debated the item and voted.


Resolved:  That the decision be deferred pending information on:


- Details from applicant of the accuracy of the plans and correct information if inaccurate (location of chimney breasts)

- Information from applicant regarding the impacts of the scheme on health and safety matters (reference by objector to the fire escape routes at roof level

- information from applicant on how future requests from occupiers would be dealt with in terms of Sky/satellite dishes



The decision was unanimous.


*Councillor Pidgeon rejoined the Community Council*







* Councillor Gurling sought legal advice on his position  as Chair of the main Planning Committee.  The legal officer suggested that he did not contribute to the discussion of item 7i*


7i.  Transfer of £636,217 from a number of Section 106 legal agreements to implement   the Amelia Street Public Realm improvement programme


  Following a design competition, Members were presented with a schedule of proposed   improvements for the Amelia Street area, and asked for their comments prior to the report   going to the main Planning Committee.


Councillor Pidgeon said that these were not the final proposals.  There was an emphasis on streetscene and management.


Councillor Salmon asked if car parking spaces would be lost.  Officers responded that a reduction of car parking would only take place after taking technical advice and consulting with residents.


Members expressed the view that residents benefitting from the scheme would be very fortunate, and had no objections to the schemes. 


7ii  Local Parking amendment: Penton Place (0809 Q4 004)


Tim Walker explained that cars parked on single yellow lines made Penton Place too narrow for emergency services vehicles to get down the street.




RESOLVED: That the local parking scheme ‘Penton Place – Proposed parking bay     aignment and introduction of no waiting at any time restrictions’ be approved   for implementation, subject to the outcome of any necessary statutory   procedures, combined with an informal letter to the four adjacent Tenants and   Residents Associations (Newington, Pullens, Alberta and Guinness Trust)


The meeting closed at 8.20pm


Signed:  Date:



The deadline for notification of call-in under Section 18 of the Overview And Scrutiny Procedure Rules is midnight, Monday August 10 2009.

The above Executive Decisions (those marked ‘EXECUTIVE DECISION’) will not be implementable until after that date.  If an Executive Decision of a community council is called-in for scrutiny, then the relevant decision will be held in abeyance pending the outcome of scrutiny consideration

Published Monday August 3 2009