Agenda item

Guidance and training for members in social media and digital services


The chair informed the committee that she had added this item on the agenda as the council is increasingly moving towards digital services and councillors are ever more dependent on digital devices and social media. Both these factors potentially have an impact on the role of councillors and in particular the way in which they interact with constituents and also with officers within the council.


During the discussion on the item the following points were made:


  • At the moment there is no specific guidance for members within the code of conduct regarding social media and digital technology and there is no training specifically related to this.


  • In view of the increasing use of social media, improper use of social media could be a potential for a code of conduct complaint against members.


  • There may be a need for clearer guidance on when a member, whilst using social media, is acting in their capacity as a member, as a campaigner or in their private capacity.


  • Officers to look at the feasibility of providing guidance and training for members in social media and digital services.


  • The director of law democracy pointed out that at present, the terms of reference of the standards committee includes to advise, train or arrange to train councillors on matters relating to the members’ code of conduct but does not include broader member training. She advised that there is a proposal going to council assembly on 16 March 2016 to amalgamate the standards committee with the audit and governance committee, which would be renamed the audit, governance and standards committee to reflect the different roles. The existing standards sub committees on civic awards and conduct would be retained as sub-committees of the audit, governance and standards committee.


  • The standards (conduct) sub-committee would be vested with matters relating to the training of members on the code of conduct and consideration could be given for its term of reference to include broader member training.