Agenda item

Response to the Lambeth and Southwark Early Action Commission

To note the recommendations of the Lambeth and Southwark Early Action Commission and proposed action arising.




1.  That the recommendations of the Lambeth & Southwark Early Action Commission be noted, the Commission thanked for its work and the opportunity welcomed that the report has given us to put prevention at the heart of what we do across the council including public health and the NHS Clinical Commissioning Group.


2.  That the significant investment (£25 million) that the council currently makes to the voluntary and community sector (VCS)  be noted and that a substantial part of this can be categorised as preventative spend. 


3.  That officers be instructed to work with the NHS Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and the VCS to co-design a new tri-partite voluntary sector strategy to be approved by cabinet in October 2016 that follows these basic principles:


·  A recognition of the significant financial challenges across the partners meaning that we must reduce duplication between services, commission efficiently and reduce demand on more intensive interventions such as hospital based services and care homes.  The approach is to invest in enabling people to remain healthy and independent in their own homes and communities.


·  The need to focus on outcomes for our residents and work that integrates services to improve the quality and experience for users.  The need to work together across the council (including Public Health), the CCG and the VCS on services that best support our residents and communities and provide services that offer all residents support appropriate to their needs in their local area so that Southwark is a fairer place where everyone is able to fulfil their potential and access the opportunities that living in Southwark presents.


·  The need to work with the VCS to provide innovative solutions and high quality services that improve outcomes for people affected by complex social issues such as, mental health, domestic violence, and long-term health conditions. We need the sector to develop its work with particular population groups such as young people and elderly residents.


·  The need for a thriving VCS that mobilises community action and makes best use of community resources, skills, knowledge and spaces and improves residents access to opportunities, services and buildings that meet their needs and ensure no-one is left behind, maximising our collective impact.


·  The need to work strategically across the partnership and wider community to build the capacity of the partners, promote volunteering and support fundraising.


4.  That the ongoing work on co-ordination of commissioning both across the council and with the CCG be noted and that officers be instructed  to bring a report back to cabinet for decision on the way forward in October 2016. 


5.  That the proposal the current community support services grant programme totaling £660,900 be extended, subject to agreement of the council’s budget to allow it to be brought into scope of the work on joint commissioning; and instructs officers to take the necessary actions to put this in place.


6.  That the ongoing work in developing a Southwark Giving Scheme to maximize and co-ordinate business engagement with the VCS be noted.


7.  That the work that officers are undertaking to explore innovative models of social investment such as DERIC (Developing and Empowering Resources in Communities) be noted.


8.  That the work that CCG officers are carrying out on a proposal to establish a VCS research challenge fund that aims to improve the way that statutory associations in Southwark engage with the VCS and improve pathways and use of VCS services in the borough be noted.


9.  That the good practice examples of early action across the council, CCG and VCS that are outlined in paragraphs 61 to 91 of the report be noted and form a sound basis for future action that meets the early action/preventative agenda.

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