Agenda item

Canada Water Preferred Options Report

To approve for consultation the Canada Water Area Action Plan Preferred Options report.






1.  That the executive approve for consultation the Canada Water Area Action Plan Preferred Options Report as set out in appendix A of the report.


2.  That the consultation plan (appendix B), the report on consultation carried out at issues and options stage (appendix C), the representations received on the Canada Water Issues and Options Report and the council’s response (appendix D), the Sustainability Appraisal (appendix E), the Equalities Impact Assessment stage 2 report (appendix F) and the Appropriate Assessment (AA) carried out under the EU Habitats Directive (appendix G) be noted.


3.  That the following changes to the documents as proposed by the planning committee and Executive Member for Regeneration be agreed:



Agreed Change



Page 14, paragraph 1: To add in as part of the objective that communities would not be welcomed.

To ensure the design, scale and location of new buildings helps create streets and neighbourhoods which have a varied character with no gated communities which enhance the area’s green spaces and heritage, especially the River Thames, the docks and the parks, to create a distinctive sense of place.


Page 22, paragraph 3.2.3:  To insert a sentence about working with Transport for London (TFL).


We will work with TFL to fund improvements to the highways.

Page 21, paragraph 3.2.2:  To add in the Sustrans bridge and protection of the bridge head.


Add in the bridge and protection onto the map and within the text.

Page 21, paragraph 3.2.3:  To insert the map.

The map was circulated at the executive meeting.


4.  That the following recommended changes made by officers be agreed:




Agreed Change

Page 34, paragraph 3.5.1:  To correct percentage in accordance with core strategy preferred option.


30% of new homes should have three or more bedrooms.

Page 35, paragraph 3.6.1:  To seek to discourage provision of live-work units.

In order to ensure that business space can meet the needs of a wide range of occupiers, we would not encourage provision of live-work units.


Page 35, paragraph 3.6.1:  To clarify the position regarding Dock Offices and City Business Park

Existing business space in the core area which is not identified in the schedule in section 4 of this document, including the Dock Offices on Surrey Quays Road and City Business Park on Albion Street would be protected by policies in the core strategy.


Page 59, figure 19:  To add reference to Surrey Docks Farm.

Required use: community use (Class D); retail use (Class A1/A3); open space and uses allowed within BOL designation.

Other acceptable land use:  ancillary residential use (caretaker’s/farm flat); business use (Class B).

Site specific guidance:  use of the site should no compromise its designation as borough open land.  The Thames path should be permanently reinstated if the site is redeveloped.


Supporting documents: