Agenda item

Police Update


PS Brown, from the Faraday Safer Neighbourhoods Team (SNT), informed the meeting that one of his team’s ward priorities was public safety. This involved conducting weapon sweeps, anti-knife actions, youth engagement and measures to combat alcohol-related anti-social behaviour. He explained that the ward priorities were determined by the ward panel meetings, the next of which would be the following day. 


PS Chris Daly from East Walworth SNT relayed PS Croft’s (Newington SNT) apologies and informed the meeting about the staff changes which had taken place in his team. He said that his team had been receiving speed camera training. He explained that while the SNT did not issue speeding tickets, they used their hand-held speed cameras to educate drivers about the quality of their driving.


He went on to encourage residents to call the SNT, if there were matters which concerned them, and said that the SNT was on duty one weekend out of three. He also reported back to the meeting that East Walworth SNT had supported the murder squad in securing the recent conviction of a murderer.


He went on to say that the next ward panel for East Walworth would be held on August 04 2009 from 7pm-9pm at theHeygate Estate TRA hall.


Q6 A resident asked who she should call in situations like one she had experienced the previous weekend: young people had used a catapult to fire stones at her balcony and windows. She said that she had called the Community Wardens numerous times without anything being done about her complaint.


A6 PS Daly said that in situations like these, residents should phone the police, because by firing stones the perpetrators risked doing criminal damage or causing serious physical injury to someone. This meant that these were police matters. He reminded residents, however, that whether or not the police was able to attend an incident would depend on its severity and on whether there were other live incidents which were deemed to be more serious. He reminded the meeting that council tenants (or their children) who engaged in anti-social behaviour risked losing their tenancy.


Q7 The Chair asked whether it would be possible to put up signs on local estates advertising the telephone numbers of the Community Wardens.


Q8 A resident asked whether calls to wardens could be transferred elsewhere when the wardens were not on duty or unavailable, rather than just going to voicemail.


Q9 Cllr Pidgeon asked Stephen Douglass to bring along calling cards with local wardens’ numbers and hours of operation, to the next meeting.


Cllr Mohamed said that the issue was that there had been no response from the wardens despite the repeated phone calls made by the resident.



ACTION: Stephen Douglass to report to next Community Council meeting about:

  • the possibility of putting up signs on local estates advertising the telephone numbers of the Community Wardens
  • whether calls to wardens can be transferred to another number, if they are unavailable (not to voicemail)

ACTION: Stephen Douglass to bring cards showing local wardens’ numbers and hours of operation, to the next meeting.