Agenda item

Corporate Parenting Committee - Work Plan 2015/16




1.  That the work plan for 2015/16 as set out in paragraph 3 of the report be noted.


2.  That the draft agenda for committee in February 2016 be agreed as follows:


·  Report back on St. Christopher’s project in order to review the process

·  Annual virtual headteacher report

·  Update on councillor workshops on children missing from care

·  SpeakerBox update to track actions and feedback (including communication, family and contact and placements)

·  Southwark Information Advisory Service to be invited to this meeting and work undertaken in respect of transitioning for looked after children

·  Autism strategy and how impacts looked after children

·  Placement stability and update on statistics. Committee to look at case studies of 15 unstable and 5 stable/positive placements.

Supporting documents: