Agenda item

Community Project Bank Guidance and Prioritisation




1.  That the content of thie report be noted  and the following recommendations agreed in relation to Community Project Bank (‘Bank’) guidance and prioritisation:


i)  That the following local project priorities for each community council area be agreed (identified in Appendix 1).

ii)  That, where these are not already included as part of its Community Project Bank, each community council considers adding projects from the prioritised list to its Bank. 

iii)  That planning committee and community councils be asked to be mindful of local priorities, as set out in Appendix 1 of the report, in determining and implementing planning applications and legal agreements, and agrees that these priorities should also be taken into account in any processes which report to community councils with regard to small scale capital projects.

iv)  That a report on an annual basis is received by executive updating these priorities and reporting the progress made towards achieving these priorities through any appropriate means.

v)  That in future community councils should identify their priority projects when approving Community Project Banks.