Agenda item

Appointment of independent person

Council assembly to approve the appointment of the two individuals as independent persons, as outlined in the closed report.


(See pages 123 – 125 of the main agenda and pages 1 – 3 of the closed agenda)


The report was considered after the guillotine had fallen, therefore in accordance with council assembly procedure rules 1.12 (3) (4) and 2.11 (2), the report was formally moved by the Mayor and afforded up to a maximum of 15 minutes.


The Mayor stated that as no member wished to speak on the item, the meeting would move to the vote on the recommendations and the appointment of the individuals set out in the closed report.


The recommendations contained within the open and closed reports were put to the vote and declared to be carried.




1.  That the individual outlined in the closed report be appointed as an independent person, subject to recommendation 2.


2.  That the commencement date of each term of office be confirmed by the director of legal services. 


3.  That the re-appointment of the current independent person, named in the closed report, be approved for a further period.

Supporting documents: