Agenda item

Dulwich Community Council priorities for 2015-2016

Break out sessions to discuss the focus of Community Council meetings for the coming year, and identify the most effective ways to engage our communities.


The community council discussed priorities for 2015 -16 in the break out sessions:


Workshop 1


What are the big issues for the Dulwich area?


·  Traffic management

·  Townley Road junction

·  Southwark Quietways

·  Traffic – more joined up thinking

·  Consultation processes (or lack of).

How should the council engage with local people on these issues and what are the best ways of doing this?


·  Timely and open engagement

·  Collaborative and transparent processes

·  Going to where the 'people' are, rather than expecting them to find us

·  Meetings and conversations in Dulwich

·  Officer visits to the area

·  Website which is understandable and clearly indicates which documents are up to date, and those that are not up to date.

What do you like about community council meetings, what do you dislike?


·  Best part was the feedback sessions where we broke out into the separate rooms as there was a feeling that it might be difficult to make your voice heard at the community council we welcome the free flowing conversation in the breakout sessions.


·  The group thought that more people actually got to speak in the break out session.


·  How were we planning to capture these thoughts and feed them back?


·  The worst part of community councils ... the suspicion is that he or she who shouts loudest gets most attention or results.

Workshop 2


What are the big issues for the Dulwich area?


·  Herne Hill - traffic speed, and lack of enforcement

·  Housing - costs of availability

·  Disturbances  from licensed and temporary  premises

·  More informed updates from police and the noise team

·  Police presence in the community and meetings and to highlight/. Talk about burglary issues

·  Network Rail - work on Herne Hill station and the surrounding area.

·  Alleyn Park - parking for both teachers and parents. 

·  How do we get schools to implement green travel plans?

·  Updates on the parking outside and around schools

·  School coaches and driving is an issue.

How should the council engage with local people on these issues and what are the best ways of doing do?


·  More interactive discussions

·  Making informal contact with people

·  Keep people to the right amount of time

·  Making sure that people have their say and have their voices are  heard.

What do you like about community council meetings, what do you dislike?


·  Sometimes not a clear mix of the formal and informal at the meeting

·  People need to use the microphone when speaking out at the meeting.