Agenda item

Executive Member Interview - Councillor Lewis Robinson - Culture, Leisure and Sport


5.1  The original questions and written answers were circulated with the previous agenda.


5.2  Q1 The sub-committee  asked Councillor Robinson about the planned closures and downgrading of Southwark’s libraries.


5.3  The executive member said that the budget process is ongoing at the moment and he was not currently aware of any proposals to close libraries. 


5.4  Q2 Is it likely that work being undertaken on the Canada Water library will come in on time and on budget?


5.5  The contract time is for 88 weeks but not having the details in front of him the executive member couldn’t be sure of the specifics.  It is likely that work on the library will be completed by January and it should come in on budget as the cost had been fixed before work began.


5.6  Q3 The sub-committee wanted to know more about what was happening with the disused library stock.


5.7  When libraries were closed, all schools had been contacted to offer books that were deemed suitable; the remainder were offered to other libraries.


5.8  Q4 Referring to question one (original question); Were there any plans to see how the stock might be distributed and has there been any exploration into what the issues might be around the transfer of stock?


5.9  The new library at Canada Water will be a key library as well as the key libraries at Peckham and Dulwich, however it is recognised that there is no strategic library in the borough.  There is no plan to down grade the service.  Also, in Newington there is a very good library with a particularly good reference section.


5.10  Q5 Will the leisure Centres at Seven Islands and Elephant and Castle be good quality?


5.11  There is currently a large investment plan which is scheduling a refurbishment.  There is money set aside for what will be a considerable amount of investment needed for this particular site and more will be known about what is going to take place, in the near future.


5.12  Q6 Are we (Members of Southwark), satisfied with Fusion?  Is Fusion the right company for us, or are there other options?  Their contract has been extended to 2016.  How have they worked with our leisure centres and leisure centres in other boroughs to provide good facilities? 


5.13  Southwark is investing in a capital programme of works and we are interested in reaching a wider market.  This means that there may be some strategic centre closures.  Fusion’s contract has been extended, however extra criteria had been added before the contract was renewed.  Extra penalties have also been put in place should they fail to deliver the agreed service.  Fusion understand this and Southwark have devised clearer systems to enable Fusion to more easily understand what is expected with regards to the agreed service level. 


5.14  Q7 Does the new agreement include standards of cleanliness, customer care and so on?


5.15  Yes - standards of cleanliness and customer care should now be improved.  It is also expected that there will be a 6 monthly user group meetings to discuss topics such as hygiene and general conditions.  The group will then report back to the Council. 


5.16  Q8 “What support is the Council proposing to provide for facilities in Peckham Rye Park?” Are community councils going to get a say in what happens?


5.17  Councillor Robinson said that a report was presented to the executive identifying issues around Peckham Rye and the provisional management of the site.  It was thought that it was not a controversial issue and that officers would take plans forward as a matter of course.  There were no more resources to channel into further facilities for the park.


5.18  Q9 Are you fully satisfied that there are adequate reasons for closing leisure centres, should they not come up to standards required? 


5.19  The executive member said that it depended what the issues were that might result in the closure.  Southwark are currently investing in the Dulwich centre and if Fusion take the contract on offer, this would make them libel if there were a shortfall in service provision or inadequate equipment stock.  As for the review into asbestos in Council owned buildings; the Council would have to take responsibility for the clearing of any toxic substances from Council owned property if it were found.  It would not be for the contractor to undertake liability.


5.20  With regard to the Seven Islands site, personally, the executive member felt that refurbishment was preferable.  The pool is good but the building needs improving. Anything more ambitious is possible but not viable in the present economic climate.


5.21  Q10 Members wanted to know more about the £6 million investment for Burgess Park. Community councils have also been asked to fund projects through the cleaner, greener, safer bid and the committee wanted to know how these strands of money were being coordinated? 


5.22  The executive member said that six million was not a huge amount for the park but over the next few years there will be other opportunities to coordinate bids, such as money for sports provision, which hopefully could be as early as next year. 


5.23  The chair thanked the executive member.

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