Agenda item

Late Motion - Fire at Lakanal House


The motion was considered after public question time prior to the guillotine having fallen.


An earlier version of the late motion had been published in supplemental agenda 1 but following consultation between political groups this was superseded by the revised late motion, which became the subject of the debate.


Councillor Ian Wingfield, seconded by Councillor Alison McGovern, moved the revised late motion.


Following debate (Councillors Veronica Ward, Kim Humphreys, Peter John, Dora Dixon-Fyle, John Friary, Linda Manchester and Nick Stanton), Councillor Ian Wingfield exercised his right of reply.


The revised late motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.




1.  That council assembly notes, with deep sadness, the awful events at Lakanal House in Camberwell on July 3 2009, which led to the death of 6 people and a number of injuries.


2.  That council assembly expresses sympathy and condolences to the families and friends of those who lost their lives. Council assembly shares the deep sense of loss, bereavement and disbelief that is felt by the whole community as a result of these terrible events.


3.  That council assembly also extends its sympathies to the numerous residents of Lakanal House who have been made homeless as a result of the fire.  Council assembly calls upon the executive to work with maximum speed and commitment to ensure that these residents are satisfactorily and comfortably housed in the shortest possible time.


4.  That council assembly pays tribute to the bravery demonstrated by the emergency services on July 3, whose work undoubtedly saved many lives.  Council assembly also expresses its gratitude and sincere thanks to the professionalism and dedication shown by Southwark council officers across many departments who, since Friday, have worked tirelessly to assist those affected by this tragedy.


5.  That council assembly believes that there may be serious lessons to be learnt from these tragic events, which will be relevant to similar buildings in Southwark and those owned by other local authorities and housing bodies across the country.  In that event, council assembly therefore believes it is imperative that a full and independent public inquiry be held at the earliest possible opportunity once the local investigations are complete.


6.  That council assembly notes and welcomes the decision by the Secretary of State to instruct Sir Ken Knight, the government’s chief fire and rescue advisor to report back to him on the various investigations into the fire and seeks assurances that this information will be shared with Southwark and other housing authorities urgently.


Note: This motion will be referred as a recommendation to the executive for consideration.

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