Agenda item

Notification of any items of business which the mayor deems urgent

In special circumstances an item of business may be added to an agenda within seven working days of the meeting.


The Mayor agreed to accept two late community evidence submissions from Step Up and Construction Youth Trust and a late motion on the Housing and Planning Bill.


The Mayor formally moved the programme motion.


Councillor Anood Al-Samerai, seconded by Councillor David Noakes, moved that the programme motion be amended in order to receive a deputation from Southwark Youth Council.  Following debate (Councillor Peter John), the amendment was put to the vote and declared to be lost.


The programme motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.




1.  That the meeting be conducted as follows:


Item 2.2 - Public question time


Meeting to hear from one public questioner.


Item 3 - Themed debate


Community Evidence Submissions


To receive submissions from the group listed in the themed section of the agenda and two late submissions:


·  InSpired to Work

·  STEP UP – The Upwardly Mobile Network

·  Construction Youth Trust.


Five minute presentation from each group, followed by upto five minutes for questions from members (one question from each group).


Themed motion


To give consent of the meeting to an alteration to the themed motion as follows:


In point 8 after “encourage the take up of apprenticeships”, add a new bullet point:


  Continue working collaboratively with the voluntary and community sector (VCS) to secure employment for the borough’s most vulnerable residents, and recognise the role of volunteering in Southwark for leading to employment opportunities.


Themed debate (45 minutes)


1.  Councillor Ian Wingfield, cabinet member for business, employment and culture (7 minutes).


2.  Councillor Hamish McCallum, opposition spokesperson, to speak on the motion and move amendment (5 minutes).


3.  Theme open to debate by all other councillors (30 minutes).


4.  Councillor Ian Wingfield’s right of reply to the debate (3 minutes).


Item 4 – Deputations


·  Meeting to agree to hear a deputation from Arnold Estate tenants and residents association.


·  To vary the order of business to hear the Arnold Estate deputation prior to consideration of the motion 5.2.1, i.e after members’ question time.


·  Meeting to agree not to hear the remaining deputations listed in the agenda.


Item 5.2 - General Motions


·  To accept a late motion on the Housing and Planning Bill.


·  General motions to be taken in order set out in agenda followed by the late motion.


·  Each motion to have a single debate, subject to the guillotine.


Item 5.2.2 – Motion from Councillor Jon Hartley – End cuts to policing in London


To give the consent of the meeting to an alteration to the motion as follows:


In paragraph 1 delete second sentence beginning “At the upcoming spending review…”


Revised paragraph 1 to read:


As a result of the spending review in 2010 the Metropolitan Police have faced cuts of almost £600m, totalling 20% of its budget. At the upcoming spending review it is widely expected that the Metropolitan Police Service will face a minimum of another £800m in cuts with the media reporting the budget could be cut by as much as 43%.


Delete paragraph 2.


Delete paragraph 11.


At the end of paragraph 12 insert: “, particularly in light of the Chancellor’s announcement that there will be no further budget cuts to policing this year.”


Revised paragraph 12 to read:


To call on the Metropolitan Police Commissioner to engage with local authorities to find alternatives to the badly thought-out proposals to scrap neighbourhood PCSOs, particularly in light of the Chancellor’s announcement that there will be no further budget cuts to policing this year.


2.  That relevant council assembly procedure rules be suspended:


·  CAPR 1.6 Variation in order of business

·  CAPR 2.7(10) Deadline for receipt of community evidence submissions

·  CAPR 1.14(4) Single debate

·  CAPR 2.10(3) Deadline for receipt of members motions.

Supporting documents: