Agenda item

Community Infrastructure Levy and Section 106 Planning Obligations and Community Infrastructure Levy Supplementary Planning Document

To recommend that council assembly consider the examiner’s report on the Southwark Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). To also recommend that council assembly approve the Southwark CIL and bring into effect on 1 April 2015 and approve Southwark’s “Regulation 123 List”.




That council assembly be recommended:


1.  To consider the Examiner’s Report on the Southwark Community Infrastructure Levy (Southwark CIL) (Appendix A of the report).


2.  To approve the Southwark CIL (Appendix B of the report) and bring it into effect on 1 April 2015.


3.  To approve Southwark’s “Regulation 123 List” (Appendix C of the report).


4.  To note the Southwark CIL Infrastructure Plan (Appendix D of the report), the updated Equalities Analysis (Appendix E of the report) and Consultation Report (Appendix F of the report).


Cabinet agreed:


5.  That the Section 106 Planning Obligations and Community Infrastructure Levy Supplementary Planning Document (the SPD) (Appendix G) on 1 April 2015, be adopted subject to approval of the Southwark CIL by council assembly on 25 March 2015.


6.  That the SPD Consultation Report (Appendix H), the updated SPD equalities analysis (Appendix I), the table of modifications (Appendix J), the draft adoption statement (Appendix K) and the Habitats Regulations Assessment carried out under the EU Habitats Directive (Appendix L of the report) be noted.


7.  That a sustainability appraisal and environmental assessment are not required for the SPD and to the publication of the related screening assessment and statement of reasons (Appendix M) be agreed.


8.  That the approval of any non-substantive amendments to the SPD be delegated to the director of planning in consultation with the cabinet member for regeneration, planning and transport.


NOTE: In accordance with overview and scrutiny procedure rule 23.1(a) (budget and policy framework) these decisions are not subject to call-in.

Supporting documents: