Agenda item



Planning application reference number 14/AP/4094


Report: See pages 14 to 32 and addendum report pages 1 to 3.




Part change of use (Unit 16) to Class A1 retail use and minor external alterations.


The committee heard an officer’s introduction to the report and asked questions of the officer.


The committee heard representations from objectors to the application and asked questions of the objector.


The applicant’s agent addressed the committee and answered questions arising from their submission.


The committee heard representations from a supporter of the application and asked questions of the supporter.


The committee heard representations from a local ward councillor and asked questions of the councillor.


The committee debated the application and asked questions of the officers.


A motion to refuse planning permission was, moved, seconded, put to the vote and declared to be lost.  In accordance with committee procedure rule 1.8(4) Councillors Adele Morris and Hamish McCallum requested that their vote for the motion be recorded in the minutes.


A subsequent motion to grant planning permission was, moved, seconded and declared granted as follows:




That full planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in the officer report and the following additional condition:


Notwithstanding the submitted Delivery and Servicing Plan hereby approved as part of this application, prior to the first operation of the retail use hereby permitted, details of deliveries to the premises and refuse collection shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval in writing, which shall include measures to store delivery and refuse cages/pallets/bins within the unit with no cages to be held on the pavement except during delivery/collection itself.  The approved details shall thereafter be adhered to for the life of the permission.




In the interests of amenity and highway safety.


In accordance with committee procedure rule 1.8(4) Councillors Adele Morris and Hamish McCallum requested that their votes against the foregoing resolution be recorded in the minutes.

Supporting documents: