· Welfare Reform – attached flyer about event on 4 November 2014. Further updates will be given at a future meeting.
· NHS Southwark Clinical Commissioning Group – announcement about extended access to urgent appointments for Southwark residents (Dr Sian Howell).
· Local Flood Risk Strategy consultation: The local flood risk strategy is available to the public from Monday 3 November 2014 to Friday 6 February 2015. Consultation documents can be found on the council’s webpage and local libraries.
· The council hopes to consult on the following schemes during the month of November and December 2014 respectively:
Brayards Road area walking and cycling improvements from the 3 November to 21 November 2014
Bellenden area traffic management scheme from 1 December to the 19 December 2014
As part of the consultation process the council will be sending out consultation documents via royal mail, second class post to residents within these areas. In addition online representation can also be made through the council's website www.southwark.gov.uk/consultation or contact Clement Agyei-Frempong on 020 7525 2305
NHS Southwark Clinical Commissioning Group
Dr Sian Howell from NHS Southwark CCG announced that they were holding a number of consultation events around the borough about making it easier for patients to see their doctor when they need to. This new service would make it easier to access urgent appointments. It would be rolled out in two phases in the south and north of Southwark. Dr Howell further explained that people would have more availability and access for example after closing hours. Also the GP could decide and sign post the patient where they could be seen, i.e. whether it was their own GP practice or somewhere else. A patient’s notes would also be available in order to understand the patient’s medical history or medication.
Dr Howell encouraged people to register with their GP so that residents have a continuity of care and that support would be available at the access clinic and a physician could decide whether a person needed to be seen. Dr Howell said this was challenging exercise as this was the first time it had been done collectively.
The presenter took questions about the services online, the appointment system and walk in service which people felt did not encourage continuity of care. The meeting was told that a new online system would be adopted which would form an online consultation tool that directed people to the GP or elsewhere.
A question was asked about how would NHS Southwark CCG address issues regarding the telephone services because not everyone could afford the expense of running a telephone or credit on their mobile phone.
Dr Howell explained that most people were contactable by telephone, however understood that people with disabilities, or those whose first language was not English or had complex needs might not find it easy to get access to this service.
A question was asked about patient confidentiality and what measures were in place to ensure that patient notes were confidential
The presenter agreed to attend a future community council meeting so that residents could receive further information about the list of practices within the Peckham and Camberwell area and details of which GP practices were in their neighbourhoods.
Leaflets were available at the meeting and for more information contact www.southlondoncsu.nhs.uk or email jennifer.cole4@nhs.net
Local Risk Strategy Consultation
The chair announced that the council were carrying out consultation on the local flood risk management which was in accordance with the statement of community involvement (2008) and as required by the Local Flood Authority (LLFA).
The local flood risk management strategy would provide a framework on how the council would manage the risk of flooding arising from surface water, ground water and ordinary water courses across the borough consistent with the flood and water management Act (2010) and the national Flood Risk Management Strategy.
The strategy consultation would be available to the public from the 3 November 2014 to 6 February 2015. Residents were encouraged to visit the council’s website, and local libraries: Dulwich Library, Grove Vale Library and Area housing office. library. The consultation documents and questionnaire were available under the following link
http://www.southwark.gov.uk/info/200448/flood_risk_management/3643/local _flood_risk_management_strategy_consultation
Police Petition
Councillor Michael Situ, cabinet member for environment, recycling, community safety and volunteering thanked everyone that signed the petition. The council would like to urge the Mayor of London to recruit more police officers. Councillor Michael Situ said people could still sign the petition and they were encouraged to speak to him during the break if they had any questions.
Consultations: Brayards Road and Bellenden area traffic management scheme
The council were consulting the community on Brayards Road area walking and cycling improvements from the 3 November to 21 November 2014.
The second traffic scheme was the Bellenden area traffic management scheme. The consultation was from 1 December 2014 to 19 December 2014. It was noted that as part of the consultation process consultation documents would be posted out to residents within these areas. In addition online representations could be made on the council’s website www.southwark.gov.uk/consultation Officer contact: Clement Agyei–Frempong on 020 7525 2305.
Supporting documents: