Agenda item

Review : Personalisation

A report is enclosed.


7.1  A member commented central government put an emphasis on the use of IT systems and the internal market. Alexandra Laider, Head of Disability and Independent Living responded that a successful outcome depends on the quality of the support service and the extent people have a clear idea what they want out of it. This is more about flip charts and pens rather than IT services. She added that Southwark have not really found either IT or the market place to be a big driver.


7.2  Officers were asked who are included in Personal Budgets the they responded that Social Care includes some people in supported housing, but not everybody. Some older people in some care homes might have a personal service but not a personal budget. The member asked for clarification on the number of service users who receive either a Direct Payment, or services via a third party. Officers said that it was around a third, and offered to provide more detailed information.


7.3  A member asked how carers were identified and officers said this is partly through Southwark Carers and also the council has a phone number. Social Care carries out carers assessments when we are assessing people in need, or sometime Southwark Carers do an assessment on the council’s behalf.


7.4  Members asked how Social Care ensures that the carers are not negatively impacted on when agreeing personal budgets. Officers responded that this is an art rather than a science and the social worker will be considering the impact on the person in needs circle of support. There are sometimes issues that come up between carers and people in needs that have to be negotiated, for example when disabled young people grow up. But we also look at carers needs - for example assistance if someone wants to get back to work or practical things like spending money on a washing machine.


7.5  Officers were asked how the council knows that it is meeting the need of the person. Officers responded that the plans are very personal, for example they are written in the first person and define what is a good day and bad day.


7.6  A member asked how personal plans are developed and if they are ever done on the telephone. The officers explained that initial screening might take place on the telephone, but developing a personalized support is an in depth process that is done face to face.


7.7  Concerns about delays were raised by a member. The cabinet lead commented that finding the right person to conduct this process can take time and she dealt with a complaint about a delay recently and that was the issue.


7.8  A member reported that she had a constituent raise a potential safeguarding issue and the speed and quality of the investigation was exemplary - it turned out to be a false alarm but everybody was very pleased with the process.




More details will be provided on the number and proportion of people receiving cash direct payment and payments via a third party.


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