Agenda item

Interview with Cabinet Member for Adult Care, Arts and Culture

An interview will be conducted with Councillor Dora Dixon-Fyle, Cabinet Member for Adult Care, Arts and Culture, on the following themes:



1  Personalisation

2  Ethical Care Charter

3  Dementia awareness

4  Support for carers in the borough

5  Day centres and the new 'centre of excellence'



6.1  The chair welcomed  Councillor Dora Dixon-Fyle, Cabinet Member for Adult Care, Arts and Culture, for her interview on the following themes:



  Ethical Care Charter

  Dementia awareness

  Support for carers in the borough

  Day centres and the new 'centre of excellence'


6.2  The committee raise the following points under a question and answer session:


6.3  A member said she had become a dementia awareness friend, and asked how the council would be able to help her in this role. The cabinet lead said that the council has organized cross party training and invited her to join this.


6.4  The cabinet lead was then asked about the withdrawal of 100% of older people’s voluntary day centers funding, which was then followed by £500,000 transitional funding. The member said he thought that this was a mistake made by the previous administration as these day centers work with some of the most vulnerable older people - many are from BME communities. He said he had pressed the cabinet lead’s predecessor on this for consistency. He pointed out that here has been emergency funding to keep the Cypriot centre open, while others are keeping going on reserves. The cabinet lead responded that that there is now a different funding set up with personal budgets, and the council has had to make significant cuts because of cuts from in funding from central government. The council has given transition funding to older people’s centers and support from Community Action Southwark. The member remarked that the council did not have to take 100% of funding away and that while some center uses have personal budgets and other users do not, but are still vulnerable. He added that he thought the council need to be clearer in its financing. The cabinet member responded that additional money was given as part of an agreed business plan, and there was clarity.


6.5  Another member said that he manages an older people’s center in his day job and a priority is this being a centre of excellence. He asked what is being done to encourage this in Southwark? The cabinet lead responded that the Dementia Centre at Cater Street is a centre of excellence, however many Southwark day centers are not fit for purpose and the council want improvement.


6.6  The cabinet lead was then asked about the good enough for “my mum test” and how this is being rolled out and also highlighted Patient Opinion. The cabinet lead said that there is an older people's board and similarly one for disabled people, which has representation from service users. Alexandra Laider, Head of Disability and Independent Living, said that the council had been rolling out the “my home life” programme and the “my mum” test is being used with providers. She added that social care have also piloted the co- production approach with service users. The member asked if the council is interested in using Patient Opinion and the Head of Disability & Independent Living said that Social Care would – we are also are developing an internal market and encouraging feedback so this would fit in well.


6.7  The cabinet lead was asked about the  Ethical Care Charter and she said that it is being  implemented and home care workers are now being paid London Living Wage and must be given a contract with set hours , rather than a “zero hours” contract, unless this is what the workers wish as some people prefer the flexibility  of zero hours . The council is now introducing travel payments. A member asked what the council is doing to ensure that people are truly able to choose a set contract rather than “zero hours” and the cabinet member responded that we are talking to our trade union colleagues – a round table meeting was held with Unison, GMB and other union representatives.



6.8  A member asked about work to improve home care standards and noted that a report indicated that care homes are judged by the quality of care, but he could not understand what would be the alternative. He also asked about the Lay Inspectors. An officer explained that social care is shifting our performance measures to outcomes for home care services. This means there is more of a focus on how people experience their care. The cabinet member said that the council is looking at expanding the work of the Lay Inspectors.




Councilor Jasmine Ali will talk with Alexandra Laider, Head of Disability & Independent Living, about Patient Option.