Agenda item

Highways Capital Funding devolution to Community Councils


Stephen Douglass (SD), Area Management & Engagement Manager, informed the meeting about this proposed scheme for improvement works to highways and lighting.


SD said that each Community Council area had been allocated £100,000 for resurfacing, which would pay for about 100 meters of road and paving; and £75,000 for lighting. The £100,000 for highway resurfacing was only to be used for footways and carriageways that Southwark was responsible for. Possible works included dropped kerbs and mobility access works such as tactile paving. Crossings, one ways, CPZs, 20mph Zones, cycle lanes or traffic calming measures could not be funded from this money. Neither could projects which cost less than £2,500.


SD explained that the £75,000 for street lighting had to be spent on upgrading or replacing lighting. The lighting had to be functional (not decorative), in line with the Council’s standard specification and in keeping with the surroundings. Single lights could not be replaced, added or removed; a location had to be chosen where all of the lights on that street needed to be replaced.


He invited residents to take part in the consultation, and said that officers in the Asset Management unit would like to hear from them about which highways and areas of street lighting needed to be improved. SD reminded people to be as specific as possible about the location, when they gave their suggestions.


Suggestions should be e-mailed to:

• for all lighting

• for all surfacing


Alternatively, residents can write to:

Asset Management BU

Southwark Council

Copeland Road Depot


SE15 3SN


SD went on to say that the closing date for submitting suggestions was Friday 31st July, and explained that after this date, officers would be carrying out a feasibility study on the suggestions they had received. This information would be brought back to a future Community Council meeting, at which decisions would be made about allocating the available funds.