Agenda item

Quiet Way Cycle Route Proposals

Reports for comment.


Chris Mascord, principal consultant, explained that the council had recently consulted residents and stakeholders on their sections of the quiet way route for cycling. The overall idea was to shift modes of transport from cars to bicycles. A proposed route would run from Greenwich to Waterloo. Southwark would be the first London borough to introduce the measures which should be implemented in 2015. The seven sites under discussion were existing sites and the plan was to remove barriers, make junctions safer and also improve the streetscape for residents via trees and lighting. The formal decision on the proposals would be taken by the cabinet member for regeneration, planning and transport in November 2014.


Site A: Rossetti Road and Stevenson Crescent

Site B: Stevenson Crescent and Abercorn Way

Site C: Abercorn Way and Oxley Close

Site D: Oxley Close and Chaucer Drive

Site E: Dunton Road / Lynton Road / Chaucer Drive Junction

Site F: Pages Walk / Willow Walk Junction & Harold Estate

Site G: Webb Street and Swan Mead


Councillors noted the proposed cycle routes A, B, C, D, E, F and G.  The following comments were made:


-  In Grange ward, where the route meets Webb Street and goes through the Harold Estate, there was a proposal to remove the chicane. Residents had said that prior to the introduction of the chicane, motorised scooters and fast cyclists had used the route, so there were safety concerns about its removal. A possible solution to that would be a Dutch style reverse hump fixture.


-  Some residents had complained that they were not consulted on the proposals and it would have been better if more of those affected by the proposals had been included.


Chris added that CCTV could be used to see how parts of the route were working in practice as a safety measure. The cycling commissioner had said that they were prepared to fund an enforcement regime.


Councillor Anood Al-Samerai asked for the introduction of segregated cycle lanes, as those were best for cyclists’ safety.

Supporting documents: