Agenda item

Cleaner Greener Safer - approval of successful bids




DECISION: Members approved the following Cleaner Greener Safer Bids :


1. ‘Stand & Move Forward’ £25,250 towards the cost of new stalls for East Street market – Officers will work with traders to ensure they are involved in implementing this scheme.


2. ‘Our Outside Space’ £7,500 to upgrade the garden areas at Pasley T&RA Hall.


3. ‘Lorrimore Cut Through’ £15,000 to improve the Lorrimore cut through.


4. ‘Brandon 1 Children’s Play Area’ £10,000 for a feasibility study on facilities for children on the Brandon 1.


5.  ‘Pascal & Onley Fencing and Planting’ £25,000 for fencing and planting at Pascal & Olney.


6.  ‘Safety Improvements on Penrose Estate’  £14,000 for fencing on the Penrose Estate – officers will talk to Housing about whether lighting works can be done from their resources.


7.  ‘Draper Hall Estate Fencing & Planting’ £5,500 for renewing the fencing and planting at the Draper Estate Hall.


8.  ‘Improvement of Community Square Olney Road’ £27,500 to transform the Community Square at Olney Road into a garden.


9.  ‘Royal Surrey Zoological Gardens 175th Anniversary’  £24,000 for artwork and exotic planting.


10.‘Clock Place Alleyway’ £1,000 to install kissing gates to prevent motorcyclists riding through and causing a danger to pedestrians.


11.Aylesbury Grow Your Own Garden’ £12,500 to match £12,500 from the Aylesbury NDC to create a community garden and food growing area on the Aylesbury.


12.‘The Light Fantastic – Westmoreland Road’ £8,000 for tree planting and cycle racks on one side of Westmoreland Road.


13.‘Aylesbury Centre Garden Project’ £6,000 to reclaim overgrown gardens at the Aylesbury Centre.


14.‘Elizabeth Estate Upgrade’ £17,500 for completion of greening schemes across the Elizabeth Estate.


15. ‘Elizabeth Estate Ball Court’ £12,000 to complete the ball court.


16.‘Restoring Cobourg Road Nature Area’ £25,000 to restore the nature area.


17.Comus House Upgrade’ £22,000 for fencing around the Comus House Ball Court.


18.‘East Walworth Green Links’ £22,000 for feasibility study on the East Walworth green links – a project to develop car free routes across the area.


19. ‘Pathway Lighting In Mason Street’ £3,000 to upgrade pathway lighting along Mason Street.


20. ‘World Plant Border Interpretation & Celebration Summer 2009’ £2,500 for planting a world plant border at Victory Park involving the community in planting.


21.‘Nursery Road Park Path & Play Improvements’ £46,000 for resurfacing of paths at Nursery Row Park.


22. ‘The Kickstart Programme for the New Life of Surrey Square Park’ £30,000 to improve Surrey Square Park.



The Chair went on to say that officers would be in touch with all applicants in the near future to let them know what would happen next.