Agenda item

Burgess Park update and workshops


Rebecca Towers (RT) and her colleagues from the Parks and Open Spaces section presented this item and conducted the workshops.


RT told the meeting that the council had recently been successful in securing £6m for Burgess Park, £2m from the Mayor of London and £4m from the Aylesbury New Deal for Communities (NDC).


Following on from these successes, the council had invited proposals from developers for improving the park. RT said that they had received 25 applications and would be short-listing five of these by the end of July. The main criteria for the entries would be the quality of the designs and how well they used the money available.


The meeting then split into working groups and discussed the following issues:

  • What is your vision for the park?
  • Do you have any positive memories of Burgess Park?
  • How do you want to feel when you go to a park?


The feedback was as follows:


What is your vision for the Park?

  Diverse community planting

  Lighting in Winter period

  Attractive Planting, trees

  Variety of spaces

  Secure cycle parking

  Dog exercise area


  Signposts to local landmarks

  More toilets

  Quality pathways

  Open areas to use for events

  Park should have a Head Gardener

  Safe park


  Small 5 a side – sports for young people

  More wardens

  Secluded area where one can sit - separate area


  All entrances to be decorated

  Local Art Commissioning

  Organise more events, e.g. May Fair, dog days

  Famous people in the local community, e.g. statutes, pictures



How do you want to feel when you go to a park?

  Safe – First aid on site

  Secure – No dark spaces, adequate lightning, low level planting, staff presence, peaceful, place to lock up bikes

  Tranquillity - water elements, seating areas with views, scented plants

  Inspired - nature elements, weather

  Relaxed - full of families relaxing, kids, community services

  Private – more private spaces



Do you have any positive memories of the Park?

  Healthy Walks – Surrey Canal Walk - would be nice to have art works on the wall


  Taking pictures of fishermen at lake area

  Children’s play area

  Events – Vibration

  Bonfire night

  Notice board

  Good grass




RT encouraged residents to get in touch with her at, if they wanted to contribute further comments or items to the consultation.