Agenda item

Section 15 of The Local Government and Housing Act 1989 - Proportionality

Council assembly to consider proposals in respect of the representation of different political groups at committees of the council.


(see pages 41 – 48 of the main agenda)


This report was considered after the guillotine had fallen, therefore in accordance with council assembly procedure rule 1.12 (3) & (4), the report was afforded up to a maximum of 15 minutes.


In accordance with council assembly procedure rule 2.11 (2), the report was formally moved by the Mayor.


The recommendations contained within the report were put to the vote and declared to be carried.




1.  That following the formation of a new political group on the council, council assembly notes the review of proportionality and agrees the following in respect of the representation of different political groups on the council’s committees and panels:


Ordinary committees


2.  That the overall number of seats on ordinary committees be increased from 35 to 37 to accommodate one extra Labour place and an All People's Party Group (APP) place.  That the two additional seats be allocated to the standards committee as set out in Table 2 (see paragraph 17 of the report).  The allocation of places to the Liberal Democrat and Conservative groups remain unchanged. 


Other committees


3.  That council assembly notes that the current allocation of places on the overview and scrutiny committee remains proportionate: Labour 6; Liberal Democrat 4; Conservative 1.  No change was required.


4.  That council assembly notes that the current allocation of places on the licensing committee remains proportionate: Labour 8, Liberal Democrat 6 and Conservative 1 place.  No change was required.




5.  That council assembly notes that the current allocation of Labour 4 and Liberal Democrat 3 places on sub-committees remains proportionate.  The allocation of seats on each sub-committee bears the same proportion to the number of the seats held by that group on the council.




6.  That the memberships of council assembly business panel and constitutional steering panel (CSP) be changed to include the APP group whip and an extra Labour group place (see Table 5 and paragraph 26 of the report).  No change was required to voluntary bodies appointments panel.


Pensions advisory panel


7.  That it be noted that the membership of the pensions advisory panel is contained in the constitution.  Council assembly would have to refer this issue to CSP to consider whether it wished to recommend any constitutional change to the membership of the panel.  No change was recommended at this stage.

Supporting documents: