Agenda item

Notification of any items of business which the mayor deems urgent

In special circumstances an item of business may be added to an agenda within seven working days of the meeting.


There were no late items of business.


At this juncture the Mayor announced that he wished to bring to everyone’s attention the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government’s requirement that the votes on key budget decisions by local authorities should be recorded. This requirement would apply to the final substantive votes on items 2.2 and 3.1.


The Mayor explained that the group whips had agreed the format of the meeting.  The Mayor advised that this was set out in the programme motion which had been tabled at the meeting.  The motion explained how the business of the meeting would be conducted. 


PROGRAMME MOTION(See white paper circulated at the meeting)


The programme motion was put to the vote and was declared to be carried.




That the meeting be conducted as follows:


Item 2.1: Council Plan - Time limit for item - Up to 60 minutes


Debate to include the following business:


·  Questions on report

·  Leader of the Council to present recommendations

·  Amendment A moved and seconded

·  Report and Amendment to be debated as a single debate

·  Debate to hear six other speakers: Labour 3, Liberal Democrat 2 and Conservatives 1

·  The leader’s right of reply will then be heard and the votes taken.



Item 2.2 Policy and Resources Strategy


Item to be debated until 9.30pm at the latest, at which time the right of reply will be heard and votes taken.


Debate to include:


·  Questions on reports

·  Councillor Fiona Colley to present recommendations

·  Councillor Anood Al-Samerai to reply on behalf of opposition

·  Three amendments to be moved and seconded

·  Report and Amendments to be debated as a single debate

·  Separate vote on each Amendment

·  Recorded vote on substantive motion.


Item 3.1 Setting the Council Tax


To be considered as normal but with the legal requirement to take a recorded vote on the substantive motion.


Other reports


To be considered as normal.


Note: relevant procedure rules:


·  CAPR 1.16(4) Recorded vote by roll call(Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014)


·  CAPR 1.14(4) Order of debate – single debate.

Supporting documents: