Agenda item

Scrutiny Francis Inquiry response report


10.1  The chair invited comments on the attached draft report recommendations. A member commented that he was concerned that scrutinizing complaints could be onerous for scrutiny and other members agreed that more capacity was needed, but that it was important for scrutiny to keep an eye on complaints, particularly as the Francis Inquiry highlighted their importance. There was a discussion on the need for support and whether this would be best provided from Public Health or Safeguarding in Adult Social Care; and it was decided to write to the cabinet lead directly and for her to nominate a named officer.





A letter will be written to the cabinet lead requesting officer support to provide additional capacity  to enable health scrutiny to analyze complaints received by Hospital Trusts, Adult Social Care, the CCG and GPs - point c.


Reports will be requested every 6 months from the Lay Inspectors - point i.


Adult Social Care will be asked to provide a 6 monthly report on providers which identifies any concerns . This will be part of the framework to share concerns between bodies with a regulatory role - point k.


An action plan will be developed to ensure the ‘community and public have clear avenues and fora to raise concerns with scrutiny’ - point l.


Health scrutiny will adopt the recommendations made by Francis for information requests in the case of ‘major structural change’ . These will be integrated into the Trigger Template, and will be used as appropriate, including when proposals for  changes do not meet the threshold of a substantial variation - point m.





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