Agenda item

Blackfriars Road Supplementary Planning Document

To adopt the Blackfriars Road supplementary planning document.


A letter that was sent to Councillor Fiona Colley and cabinet members in relation to the Blackfriars supplementary planning document was circulated at the meeting. This letter from Cathedrals ward councillors made representations in respect of this supplementary planning document.




1.  That the Blackfriars Road Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) (Appendix A of the report) be adopted.


2.  That representations received on the draft Blackfriars Road SPD and the officer comments to the representations (Appendix B) be noted, and that the tracked change version of the Blackfriars Road SPD which takes into account the representations received on the draft Blackfriars Road SPD (Appendix C) also be noted.


3.  That the consultation report (Appendix D), the updated equalities analysis (Appendix E), the updated sustainability appraisal (Appendix F), the sustainability appraisal statement (Appendix G), the appropriate assessment (Appendix H) the updated urban design study (Appendix I) and the updated business and retail background paper (Appendix J) be noted.

Supporting documents: