Agenda item

Community Wardens

Scrutiny update from the Chair.


8.1  The Chair reported that he and the vice-chair had spent a day on patrol with Community Wardens and found it to be a very positive experience. He was preparing a report containing recommendations for the sub-committee to consider in the near future.


8.2  The Chair reported that the community wardens were dealing with extremely hard issues which they faced on a day to day basis, whereas previously wardens may have been thought of only as dealing with minor issues such as dog fouling and litter.


8.3  The wardens main focus was in the town centre areas such as Elephant & Castle, Peckham and Camberwell where they faced issues with people suffering from alcohol or drug dependancy which were a daily issue, as  well as homeless people who had to be moved along and directed to services which may be of use to them.


8.4  The sub-committee were informed that if members were informed of a problem within their ward, they should share this information with the community warden unit.


8.5  The chair also reported that whilst he was accompanying the wardens they stopped a robbery and apprehended the offenders.


8.6  The vice-chair told the sub-committee about his time with the community wardens and reported that it had been quite a distressing experience but very informative.  It had given him a personal insight into the service they provided.


8.7  He further stated that they played an important and effective role and have earned a great deal of respect within the community and added that he would be supplying recommendations to the report for the sub-committee.


8.8  A member of the sub-committee stated that although the wardens did not work in all areas of the borough, they did a fantastic job wherever they were placed.


8.9  The chair stated that the excellent work done by the community wardens needed to be better communicated within the council, and a draft report will be provided to the next meeting of the sub-committee.