Agenda item

Local Account

Sarah McClinton, Director of Adult Social Care and Adrian Ward, Head of Performance (Adult Social Care) will present and take questions on the annual draft Local Account.



5.1  The chair invited Sarah McClinton, Director of Adult Social Care,  and Adrian Ward, Head of Performance (Adult Social Care) to present the draft Local Account and the chair invited questions.


5.2   A member asked about the impact of the Dilnot review and officers said this affects charging at 18 and that  social care is moving towards a universal system. Officers were asked if there was more bureaucracy and they agreed this could be more onerous.


5.3  A member commented that although the aim is to reduce admissions to care homes the numbers of older people and younger people in residential care is actually going up. Sarah McClinton agreed that reductions in the use of care homes are a council target and said that the overall trajectory is actually down, but she agree the recent figures are going up. She said that the service is unsure why, but there is deeper look being conducted looking at the reasons, in partnership with hospital -  they are looking at possibilities such as dementia. She added at the moment there is a lack of alternatives, however Extra Care and Integrated Care could prevent admission into residential care.


5.4  Officers were asked about supported discharge and the 91 days target. Officers explained that the re-enablement team used to work with a smaller group, but this team now work with a larger cohort – this is an expansion of the offer. This expansion has had an impact, with the proportion of people still at home 91 days after discharge moving from 99% to 77.2 %, with 85% being the London Average. Officers said in future they would expect to stay closer to the London Average . They reported that a detailed analysis revealed that some people had died – so the service is considering patient needs and the appropriateness of the offer more closely.


5.5  A member asked about the telephone service and the extent that people are signposted or transferred to someone who can help. Officers said that this varies and where possible the call would be transferred. The member asked if this was monitored and officers reported the council does collect a variety of process measures; data can be supplied.


5.6  A member commented that the report refers to the Lay Inspectors only being in operation for 2 years; however they have been in place for longer than this.


5.7  A member referred to the outcome measures 1b and 3a, that are going down. These measure  on ‘feeling in control’ and overall ‘satisfaction’. Officers said that they are improving the support planning and shifting control to individuals so it is hard to know the cause. The member asked if it is possible to ask extra questions but the officers said that this can not be done as it is a national survey.


5.8  Officers were then asked how the council intends to make savings and Sarah McClinton said that the council  will be a retendering for Supporting People in search for better value. There will also be more investment in community based services, as residential care is expensive. The move to personal budgets had made saving. The council will also have to make some as universal savings by reducing staff and management. Social Care will be receiving some NHS funds for re-enablement and there will be a move to invest more in home-wards.

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