Agenda item

Work Programme Proposals


6.1  The sub-committee agreed the following work topics:


·  Food Strategy

·  More Powers for Community Councils

·  Climate Chaos

·  Southwark’s Decluttering Programme


Food strategy - scoping


6.2  Members agreed that they wanted to see what has been done so far by way of a food strategy.  The sub-committee felt that affordable, healthy food should be available to all, including the poorer communities within the borough.  Often, access to healthy food can be difficult with fresh fruit and vegetable shops located some way away from the homes of poorer families who may find themselves having to pay extra to travel to shops that sell healthier alternatives.


6.3  The sub-committee wanted to look at:


·  Allotments

·  Market Gardens

·  Planning local and independent food shops

·  Fair Trade Food


6.4  Also to be investigated:


·  Production

·  Supply

·  Meals on Wheels/School Meals (providing GM free food)

·  Putting Local Food First

·  Seasonal Production

·  Organic produce

·  Reduction of CO2 Emissions

·  Planting Fruit Trees

·  Environment/Housing and Planning


6.5  Kensington and Chelsea have set up allotments and reclaimed waste ground.  Members wondered if Southwark could do something similar.


6.6  The sub-committee also wanted to know about land swaps and how they may work in Southwark.


6.7  Ultimately the investigation should focus on what Southwark’s Food Strategy should look like.




1.  The sub-committee to take evidence from:


·  Lambeth Bee Keepers

·  Tescos/Morrisons/Somerfield (what is their food policy)

·  Farm People (Surrey Docs and Woolworth Gardens)

·  Rosie Boycott (invite to sub-committee)


2.  The sub-committee to look at:


·  The current Southwark food strategy and how this may tie in with

·  The London Food Strategy

·  Southwark’s own motion


3.  The sub-committee to undertake a site visit.

Supporting documents: