Agenda item

Review : Free Healthy School Meals


5.1  Colin Gale, Free Healthy Schools Meals (FHSM) project manager, briefly presented the update report and the chair invited members to ask questions.


5.2  A member referred to paragraph 6 in the report that indicated that the results of the additional measuring and weighing programme are still being analyzed. He asked when the results will be ready and Colin Gale apologized for the delay and said that Public Health is working on this and he will make the results available as soon as possible.


5.3  Colin Gale was then asked about the recent government announcement that free school meals will be rolled out nationally. He reported that Southwark Council has been in discussions with the Department for Education and the council is helping neighbouring boroughs to prepare. 


5.4  A member asked if officers were confident that schools were receiving adequate payment and that there was no shortfall. Colin Gale explained that the council recognises that some schools have to make a large cash outlay and intend to take a more sympathetic approach, by giving some money in advance; however he was confident there was no shortfall. The council pay £1.90 per meal, in addition the schools receive 0.50p through the DSG which is the Direct Schools Grant administered by the council’s finance department. He added that some schools have been able to negotiate a better financial deal with providers because the volume of meals had gone up.


5.5  Colin Gale was asked how the views of parents were sought and he explained that groups of parents were approached and focus groups arranged.




Provide the results of the additional weighing and measuring programme.




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