Agenda item

Notification of any items of business which the mayor deems urgent

In special circumstances an item of business may be added to an agenda within seven working days of the meeting.


The Mayor explained that the whips had agreed to comply with council assembly procedure rules and only hear three deputations; two on the theme and one general deputation .  However, one of the groups wished to hear the deputation on selling council homes rather than the deputation on the council’s constitution.  The decision was put to the vote and it was declared that the meeting would hear the deputation on the council’s constitution.


A procedural motion was then moved and seconded to suspend council assembly procedure rules in order to hear a fourth deputation, the motion was put to the vote and declared to be lost.


The Mayor stated that the whips had agreed that the meeting would suspend procedure rules to allow a revised debate on the themed motions.  All the motions and amendments would be taken as formally moved and seconded and a speaker from the four groups on the council would speak on the theme for three minutes, thereafter the debate would be open to any member who indicated to speak.


The Mayor announced that he had allowed the circulation of two revised Amendments, Amendment G and Amendment R.  The meeting agreed to accept Revised Amendment R but voted upon the receipt of Amendment G; upon concluding the vote the Mayor declared that Revised Amendment G had been accepted.


The meeting agreed to suspend the following council assembly procedure rules in order to consider the above:


·  CAPR 1.14 (4) Order of debate – varying order of business

·  CAPR 1.14 (15) Alteration of an amendment.