Agenda item

Licensing Act 2003 - Application for review of the premises licence in respect of Bacon's College, Timber Pond Road, SE16 6AT




The Council’s Licensing Sub-Committee, having had regard to the application by Mr Namik Tumkan for a review of the premises licence granted under the Licensing Act 2003 to Anthony James Perry, Principal of Bacon’s College, in respect of the premises known as Bacon’s College, Timber Pond Road, SE16 6AT, and having had regard also to all other relevant representations has decided it necessary for the promotion of the licensing objectives that the following conditions are added to the premises licence issued in respect of the premises:


  1. That all doors and windows, except those that must be kept open for emergency access and egress, shall be kept closed at all times that regulated entertainment is being provided at the premises.


  1. That no drinks are to be taken into the external areas at the premises at any time.


  1. That the license holder liaises with the council’s Environmental Protection Team in regards to the installation of any further noise abatement measures.




The reasons for this decision are as follows.


The sub-committee has reached this decision as it considered these additional conditions are necessary for the prevention of public nuisance.


Appeal Rights


This decision is open to appeal the applicant for the review, the premises license holder or any other person who hade relevant representations in relation to the application.


Such an appeal must be commenced by notice of appeal given by the appellant to the justices chief executive for the magistrates court for the area within the period of 21 days beginning with the day on which the appellant was notified by the licensing authority of the decision.


Supporting documents: