Agenda item

Deputation Requests

To consider any deputation requests.


This item had not been circulated five clear days in advance of the meeting. The chair agreed to accept the item as urgent as the requests had been submitted in line with the constitutional deadline for the receipt of deputation requests and was therefore eligible for consideration by cabinet.




That the deputation requests be heard.


Summary of the deputations heard.


Local residents with regard to the lack of signage indicating the location of the Rose archaeological site


The deputation addressed cabinet to draw attention to the lack of signage indicating the location of the Rose archaeological site and to request that this be rectified as soon as possible.


The deputation advise that the Rose Theatre was the first theatre to be built in the Bankside in 1587 and that the remains of the theatre (discovered in 1989) are a major tourist attraction. The deputation advise that many visitors to the site have complained of the difficulty in finding it as there are no signposts indicating the theatre’s location.


The cabinet acknowledge that the site was of great historical importance and It was agreed that the leader and cabinet member for transport, environment and recycling explore what can be done, including making further representations to Transport for London, the body responsible for signage along Bankside.


Herne Hill Forum and Herne Hill Traders


The deputation raised the issue of the problems that Herne Hill Traders and businesses face since the flood due to a burst water main in August 2013. The deputation advised that Herne Hill was an area being regenerated with new businesses starting up and the establishment of a strong local community.  Feedback from the residents was that the area had improved immensely.  However the flood had set this back with potential long term damaging effects.  The deputation explained that the flood had not only affected the traders and businesses whose properties had been flooded, footfall for the whole area had been affected significantly.  The deputation thanked the council for what it had done so far, however they were now asking the council for its support in terms of lobbying/adding pressure on Thames Water not just for recompense for the water damaged businesses but also for Thames Water to contribute to getting the whole area back to what it was to ensure there is a viable community.


The deputation informed the cabinet that help had been provided to shops directly affected by water damage, but shops which had not received water damage had been ignored.


The leader indicated that the council would be happy to provide lobbying support and informed the deputation that a fund of £100,000 had been set aside and that any businesses affected by the flood could apply for assistance, this did not need to be as a direct result of water damage.


The cabinet member for communities and economic wellbeing advised that she would ask the Strategy and Partnership Manager to look at what can be done.


Local residents request for a local levy on large supermarkets within the borough


The deputation addressed the meeting to outline the potential impact large supermarkets have upon the retail and community infrastructure of a locality.  It was suggested that 95% of revenue is taken out of the local economy; money of which is not recycled within that economy.


The deputation outlined the experience of others in introducing a levy, for example Northern Ireland. The levy has been distributed to assist small to medium enterprises for the benefit of the local economy.  It was felt that the impact on the large supermarkets is minimal with significant benefits for business and the local community.  The deputation asked the council to look into the prospect of lobbying for such a levy and to undertake a preliminary assessment.


The cabinet informed the deputation that this is something they would like to be done, however felt it would only be achievable if it was done in conjunction with neighbouring boroughs / South East London wide basis.  The cabinet indicated that they would welcome the deputation working with the council on this.

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