Agenda item

Community announcements and presentations

·  An announcement about the community council fund.


·  The launch of the Cleaner Greener Safer capital and revenue funding programmes 2014 – 2015.


·  Short presentation from Peckham Space.


·  Police and community safety updates.


·  The NHS is changing: Tell us how we can help people stay healthy.




Southwark Civic Awards


Eddie Wilcox announced that nominations for volunteers for the Southwark Civic Awards would be available shortly.  New nomination forms were to be published at the end of September 2013. He urged people to fill them in if they wanted to nominate anyone from the community.


Mr Wilcox explained how the awards were first introduced which was about civic pride and recognising community links within the borough. 


The awards are presented by the current Mayor and past mayors.  The categories were as follows:


·  Letters of commendation

·  Special Award for Civic Responsibility

·  Honorary Liberties of the Old Metropolitan Boroughs

·  Liberty of the Old Metropolitan Borough of Bermondsey

·  Liberty of the Old Metropolitan Borough of Southwark

·  Lifetime Achievement Award

·  Mayor’s Award


People were encouraged to check the council’s website and public libraries


Community council fund


Marian Farrugia, Community Council Development Officer announced that Southwark’s community councils have a total of £122,000 to support community activities run by local groups for people in the borough.  Applications would be open in November 2013.  People were told to keep their eyes and ears open for further information. ‘community council fund’


Peckham Space


Emily Druiff from Peckham Space spoke about the project which was a gallery based in Peckham Square and funded by the College of Arts.  It would also soon be registered as a charity.  Part of that process would mean changing the name.  Emily said they were gathering a shortlist of names and invited people to speak to them during the break as a way of “having your say” to give ideas on the names.


Police and community safety updates


Inspector Neil Cook from the Police’s south east cluster spoke about his role and advised that he had the responsibility of 5 teams which would shortly have additional police officers.  He made himself available during the break so people had an opportunity to speak to him. After making note of the deputation Inspector Cook said with regard public streets being used as toilets around Rye Lane he could be monitored by the police during patrols.


He addressed the meeting about the current arrangements under the new policing model.  The previous policing model had one sergeant, a police constable and two PCSOs.  He said the new policing model would have a sergeant, a police constable and 6 to 8 beat officers and a 24 hour response team.

Following questions, Inspector Cook confirmed that Livesey ward had not been at full strength however this was being looked at. He also acknowledged that there had been some difficulty with reporting on mobile phones and land lines which was being addressed.


Launch of Cleaner Greener Safer (CGS) capital and revenue funding programmes


Michelle Normanly, CGS Project Officer announced that the cleaner greener safer funding programmes for 2014 – 2015 would be launched shortly. 


Michelle gave a brief overview of the programme which has been running since 2003.  Michelle also provided the meeting with a power point presentation which illustrated some successful CGS projects that were completed in the last round of funding.  People were encouraged to submit their ideas, and advised that their applications had to meet the criteria.  The closing date ends on 8 November 2013 for both funding programmes. The successful projects would commence in April 2014.


It was noted that the total amount of funding available for CGS capital would be £450,000 allocated to the five wards and total amount of funding for CGS revenue is to be allocated across the four wards.  Livesey ward was not included because it came under two community council areas. Although some allocation could be given to Livesey north /south for small one off schemes for example, a bicycle fun ride, clean up days or local community garden schemes as part of improvements to the area.


For information contact 020 7525 3326 or visit website:


The NHS is changing – NHS Southwark Clinical Commissioning Group


Rosemary Watts from the NHS Southwark Commissioning Group talked about some of the services that are provided to the borough for example, walk-in centres, community support services and the community outpatient clinic. 


Rosemary announced the patient participation group were promoting an event at Cambridge House on 22 October 2013 at 5.30 pm.  The event would include a local debate on how the NHS would deliver services, what support was provided to stay healthy and information people need to manage illnesses such as diabetes. 


For information contact 020 7525 7888 or visit website: