In special circumstances an item of business may be added to an agenda within seven working days of the meeting.
The Mayor announced that he had accepted the following items as late and urgent:
· Item 7.1, Council Tax and Base and National Non Domestic Rates Base 2014/15 (Revised Report)
· Item 7.1, the Council Tax and Base and National Non Domestic Rates Base 2014/15 (Addendum Report).
The Mayor informed the meeting that following consultation with the political group whips and inline with council assembly procedure rule 2.6 (11) the meeting would only hear the first three deputations on the theme. The other deputations listed on the agenda had been informed. It had also been agreed that there would be a single debate on the themed motions.
The Mayor advised that a revised Amendment K to Item 7.1: Council tax and national non domestic base for 2014/15, had been circulated around the chamber; and that notice had been received of a change in speakers on Motions 4 and 5 - Councillor Patrick Diamond would replace Councillor Gavin Edwards as the seconder of Motion 4: Safer Crossings on Borough High Street and Councillor Dan Garfield would replace Councillor Martin Seaton as the seconder of Motion 6: Billboard Advertisement at Elephant and Castle Roundabout.
The meeting agreed to suspend the following council assembly procedure rules in order to consider the above:
· CAPR 1.14 (4) Order of debate – single debate
· CAPR 1.14 (15) Alteration of an amendment
· CAPR 2.10 (4) Change to amendment – mover/seconder.