To approve as a correct record the open minutes of the council assembly meeting held on 10 July 2013 (to be circulated separately).
(See supplemental agenda 1, pages 1 – 82)
That the minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 10 July 2013 be agreed and signed as a correct record with the following amendments to pages 7 and 8:
Page 7 - Item 5.1 Members' question time
Delete "At 10.03pm the Mayor announced that the guillotine had fallen.”
Page 8 - Item 5.2 Motion 2: Surrey Docks Brown Brick
Delete the first paragraph and insert:
"Councillor Lisa Rajan, seconded by Councillor David Hubber, moved the motion.
At 10.03pm the Mayor announced that the guillotine had fallen."
At the beginning of the second paragraph insert:
"The guillotine having fallen ......."
Supporting documents: