Agenda item

Announcements from the mayor, members of the cabinet or chief executive

To receive any announcements from the Mayor, members of the cabinet or the chief executive.


The Mayor


·  Stated that he had given his consent to the top tables being filmed.


·  Invited all councillors to join him for a lunchtime symposium on Wednesday 30 October at 160 Tooley Street, when Dr Benjamin Barber, internationally renowned political theorist, would be the guest speaker.  Councillors were urged to reserve a place as soon as possible through the Mayor's Office.


·  Informed the meeting that a list of people associated with Southwark who had been made a working peer had been circulated around the chamber.


·  Sent the meeting’s congratulations to Alan Blissett, Principal Environmental Protection Officer, who was retiring after 50 years of service with Southwark.


With sadness the Mayor announced that, former Southwark Councillor Alan Firminger had died.  Thereafter Councillors Ian Wingfield, Anood Al-Samerai, Lewis Robinson and Nick Dolezal paid tribute.  This was followed by a minute’s silence.

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