Agenda item

Southwark Clinical Commissioning Group

‘Register of Interests’ is attached.


5.1  Tamsin Hooton, Director of Service Redesign at Southwark Clinical Commissioning Group (SCCG), gave a verbal update on Southwark and Lambeth Integrated Care; Frail and Elderly Pathway. She reported there had been significant progress, but the initiative is slightly behind where they would like to be. This is community based multiple disciplinary team. Primary care are engaged to access the risk of all people over 70 years of age and the initiative is also focused on simplifying discharge from hospitals to the community. The chair requested board papers and encouraged members to look at these and consider follow up questions. 

5.2  Andrew Bland; Managing Director of the Business Support Unit (BSU) SCCG referred to the Register of Interest circulated with the papers. He explained there are regular opportunities to update. The NHS commissioning board provided more guidelines on good practice. 

5.3  A member commented that declarations appear variable and that sometimes members declare their political party membership, and that of their partners, while other members do not appear to be doing this. Andrew Bland responded that there are minimum requirements but people can declare more. The member queried how clear the policy was on political affiliations and Andrew Bland indicted he would circulate the updated policy to the committee.

5.4  Andrew Bland reported that the SCCG had received renewed guidance on contracts. He had received a note from the scrutiny project manager on the legal clause that the council uses to ensure providers are subject to scrutiny and he will consider this.




Frail and Elderly pathway


SCCG will provide boards papers.


It was recommended that this is added to the work plan of the next administrative committee and Members will be encouraged to submit questions in advance.


SCCG Conflicts of Interest and providers ‘subject to scrutiny’


SCCG guidance and policy on the Register of Interests and Declarations of Interest will be circulated to the committee.


The SCCG will report back on progress to include a clause in contracts that will ensure that all providers are subject to scrutiny.




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